Regional Perspectives on Politics and Priorities
For the first time in over a decade, environmental issues now top the list of the most important problems facing Canadians. But views on the country’s top problem are strongly related to region.
Public Opinion in Metropolitan Canada
This report examines public opinion in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary-Edmonton (combined) and Vancouver. It assesses whether there is a common big-city mindset that differentiates those living in these major urban areas from the rest of the country.
Towards Reconciliation: Indigenous and non-Indigenous Perspectives
This is the third report based on the Confederation of Tomorrow 2019 survey of Canadians.
Perceptions of Gender and Political Leadership
Younger men are twice as likely as younger women to say they have been personally encouraged to become a candidate for elected office.
Canadian Youth Reconciliation Barometer 2019
Mapping the state of reconciliation among Canada's youth
Confederation of Tomorrow 2019 Survey of Canadians
Public opinion on the current state of the Canadian federation
2018 Survey of Jews in Canada
The Environics Institute is partnering with Dr. Robert Brym (SD Clark Chair of Sociology at the University of Toronto) and York Univerity to conduct a landmark national survey of Jews in Canada in 2018.
Focus Canada Fall 2018 - Canadian public opinion on immigration, refugees and the USA
Tracking Canadian public opinion and how it is changing over time
Toronto Social Capital Study
“Social capital” is the term used to describe the vibrancy of social networks and the extent to which there is trust and reciprocity within a community and among individuals.
Canadian Public Opinion on Immigration and Minority Groups
Canadian public opinion today and how it has changed in the past year
Black Experience Project in the GTA
The Black Experience Project in the GTA has now been released and has its own dedicated website...
AmericasBarometer 2017
The AmericasBarometer is a 29 country public opinion survey on democracy, governance and civic engagement, conducted every two to three years by a consortium of of research partners across the western hemisphere...
Focus Canada: Canadian Public Opinion About Immigration and the USA
As part of its Focus Canada public opinion research program (launched in 1976), the Environics Institute updated its research on Canadian attitudes about immigration and about the USA...
Canadian Millennial Social Values Study
A major national survey which reveals a bold portrait of Canada’s Millennials (those born between 1980 and 1995)