Identity, Values and Language

Identity, Values and Language
The third report from the Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 Survey of Canadians
This report is the third in a series that presents the results of the Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 survey of Canadians, a national public opinion study that gives voice to Canadians on the future of the federation. The third report explores issues relating to identity, values and language.
Identity, Values and Language is published in three separate parts.
Part I: Identity explores the evolution of the Canadian identity.
Part II: Values, Religion and the State focuses on the extent of value differences across the country, particularly as they relate to religion and the question of how the state, in a secular society, should exercise its religious neutrality.
Part III: Language addresses perceptions of the security of the French language in Canada.
The Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 Survey of Canadians was conducted by the Environics Institute for Survey Research, in partnership with four leading public policy organizations across the country: the Canada West Foundation, the Centre D’Analyse Politique Constitution Fédéralisme, the Institute for Research on Public Policy, and the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government at StFX University. The study consists of a national public opinion survey of 5,152 Canadians (aged 18 and over) conducted online (in the provinces) and by telephone (in the territories) between January 13 and February 20, 2020.
For more information, contact Andrew Parkin.
The first two reports in this series are also available on this website:
Regional Perspectives on the Economy and Climate Change focused on the evolution of attitudes related to federalism, regionalism and nationalism; and more specifically on the related issues of energy and climate change policies in Canada.
The Division of Powers and Resources examined how resources and powers are shared within the federation; and the expectations that citizens have of the different orders of government when it comes to addressing the key issues that affect the country.
Survey materials:
Identity, Values and Language:
Part I: Identity
Partie I – Identité : sommaire
Part II: Values, Religion and the State
Partie II – Valeurs, État et religion : sommaire
Partie III – La Situation du Français : sommaire
Detailed Data Tables
Tableaux de données détaillés (en anglais seulement)
The Environics Institute would like to acknowledge the support of the Institute for Research on Public Policy which made possible the translation of the summary of this report. / L’Environics Institute tient à remercier l’Institut de recherche en politiques publiques de son soutien pour la traduction du sommaire du présent rapport.
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