Institute Projects
Since its founding in 2006, the Institute has conducted a number of groundbreaking public opinion and social research projects. Our reports are listed by publication date, or can be searched by topic or survey series.
Key Topics
Work at Home or Live at Work: The Complexities of New Working Arrangements
Experiences of working from home have been more challenging for some workers than others, especially for those with young children at home.
All in this Together? Canadians’ Views on Masks, Vaccines and Lockdowns during the COVID-19 Pandemic
There is widespread agreement across the country on key aspects of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Millennials and GenZ
First report from the Canadian Millennial and GenZ Social Values Study 2020
Welcoming the Stranger to Canada Survey 2021
Identifying who in Canada is interested in sponsoring refugees
Confederation of Tomorrow 2020: Indigenous - non-Indigenous Relations
Fourth report from the Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 Survey of Canadians
A Better Canada: Community, Citizenship and Engagement
A closer look at Canadians' aspirations for themselves and their country
COVID-19, public policy and government decision-making
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profoundly disruptive effect on the lives of Canadians, but the public’s general reaction to the situation remains more positive than negative.
Identity, Values and Language
The third report from the Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 Survey of Canadians
Canadian public opinion about racism and discrimination
There has been a remarkable increase in the Canadian public’s awareness of the reality of racism in this country.
Changing opinions about the United States, China and Russia
There is a growing recognition that, from Canada’s vantage point, the world has become a much less friendly place.
A Better Canada: Values & Priorities after COVID-19
A Better Canada confirms that, for many, the eventual reopening of the economy should mean something better than going “back to normal.”
Adapting to the Changing World of Work / S’adapter au monde du travail en pleine évolution
Canadians tend to have a positive assessment of both the impact of technological change and the value of the post-secondary education and skills training that they have received
Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 Survey of Canadians: Reports 1 and 2
Tracking the views of Canadians towards the federation.
Canadians’ Shifting Outlook on Employment / Changement du point de vue des Canadiens sur l’emploi
2020 Survey on Employment and Skills: Preliminary Report / Sondage 2020 sur l’emploi et les compétences : Rapport préliminaire
Political Polarization in Canada and the U.S.
In Canada, left-right polarization is much less pronounced than in the U.S., and has generally declined over the past decade.
Public Support for Canada’s Political System: Regional Trends
Satisfaction with democracy and trust in political actors growing in some regions of Canada and falling in others.
Intergenerational Mobility in Canada – An Update
The changing views on the prospects for the next generation were addressed by the Environics Institute for Survey research in its most recent Focus Canada survey.
Influence in Canadian Politics
Roughly two-thirds of Canadians say that the wealthy, new technology companies like Google and Facebook, and large Canadian corporations have too much influence in Canadian politics.