August 26, 2024

Canadian governments need a new way to measure poverty

A new scale called the material deprivation index is better than the market-based measure when it comes to capturing the scope of poverty

Canada can’t afford to be complacent about skills training

“We need to think about who accesses skills training and why, and – even more importantly – who is left behind.”

Canada needs a bolder approach to skills training

Employers should take steps to propel us forward from a situation where most of their employees are missing out, to one where most are opting in
February 14, 2022

Here’s how we can stop sick people from going into work

Two in five employees in Canada say they’ve gone in to work sick at least once in the past 12 months. A change in office culture is needed to end this.
November 11, 2021

Canadians are waking up to the reality of racism. Now is the time for leaders to act.

Reflecting on the findings from the Race Relations in Canada 2021 Survey
June 10, 2021

Greater inclusion is a win-win strategy for the recovery

Any economic recovery worthy of its name should begin with making sure these Canadians who have been hardest hit by the pandemic-induced recession don’t fall even further behind.
June 6, 2021

What if we keep working from home?

Younger workers, immigrants, racialized people, Indigenous workers and workers with a physical or mental condition that limits their daily activity are all more likely to experience challenges working from home.
December 1, 2020

Canadian governments must not squander their most precious resource in the fight against COVID-19

Any relapse by governments into confused messaging and contradictory actions risks eroding the public buy-in, depriving Canada of what up until now has been one of its greatest advantages.
September 25, 2020

New survey shows Canadians want lasting change to accompany economic recovery

A new Environics Institute survey confirms that, by a wide margin, Canadians want change

A majority of Canadians support equalization – even in Alberta

The results of the Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 survey show that there is almost universal support in all parts of Canada for the principle that underpins the equalization program
June 4, 2020

As the economy restarts, Canada needs to focus on those hardest hit by the pandemic

As we think through a recovery, our priority should be putting in place effective supports for those facing the greatest adversity
January 8, 2020

In Canada, education excellence is also about equity

In a world where learning underpins both individual and collective success, Canada's strong showing in recent OECD testing is reassuring. It should also serve as a reminder of some of the things that make this country tick.
December 3, 2019

Achievement and equity in education in Canada: an update

How are Canada's education systems performing relative to those of other countries?