
Institute Projects

Since its founding in 2006, the Institute has conducted a number of groundbreaking public opinion and social research projects. Our reports are listed by publication date, or can be searched by topic or survey series. 

Key Topics

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July 4, 2024

Developing a material deprivation index

An alternative approach to the measurement of poverty in Canada

Addressing climate change in the Canadian federation

A report from the 2024 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians
April 23, 2024

Affordable housing: approval of federal, provincial and local governments

A report from the 2024 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians
March 7, 2024

Support for Democracy in Canada

A Report from the 2023 AmericasBarometer Survey in Canada
March 7, 2024

The Perspectives of Second-generation Immigrants in Canada

Broadly speaking, second-generation immigrants resemble non-immigrants when it comes to economic priorities such as obtaining work-life balance, but less so on things more closely related to heritage or culture
January 31, 2024

2023 NIA Ageing in Canada Survey

Older Canadians' experience and perspectives on ageing

The Burden  of Care: Addressing Challenges in Employment in the Nonprofit Sector

This report examines the perceptions of workers in the nonprofit sector and how these differ from workers in other sectors

The Lingering Effects of COVID-19

In the pandemic’s third year, a significant number of Canadians missed work or school due to COVID-19

Participation in Skills Training

The proportion of Canadian workers participating in training to improve their skills has increased over the past two years
November 20, 2023

Housing Affordability

Younger Canadians in particular have become more concerned about housing affordability and less optimistic about their prospects for home ownership.
April 26, 2023

Support for equalization: 2023 update

Results from the 2023 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians
December 16, 2022

Satisfaction, Outlook and Opportunities

Younger Canadians have grown more dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country, and more pessimistic about prospects for the next generation
September 15, 2022

The shift to remote work: how workers in Canada are adapting to working from home

The majority of those who have been working from home say they prefer this arrangement and want it to continue once the pandemic is over.

Disconnecting from Work: The Varied Experiences of Canadian Workers

Many Canadians find it a challenge to keep their work, family and personal lives in balance.

Working when Sick: How Workplace Regulations and Culture will Impact the Post-Pandemic Recovery

Efforts to improve public health and contain the spread of serious illness must focus on both the lack of paid sick days and the influence of the prevailing workplace culture.

Making Up Time: The Pandemic’s Impact on Young Adults in Canada

The pandemic’s impact has been felt more acutely and more persistently among young Canadian adults.

Widening Inequality: Effects of the Pandemic on Jobs and Income

The pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities within Canadian society.

Work at Home or Live at Work: The Complexities of New Working Arrangements

Experiences of working from home have been more challenging for some workers than others, especially for those with young children at home.
September 16, 2020

Adapting to the Changing World of Work / S’adapter au monde du travail en pleine évolution

Canadians tend to have a positive assessment of both the impact of technological change and the value of the post-secondary education and skills training that they have received

Canadians’ Shifting Outlook on Employment / Changement du point de vue des Canadiens sur l’emploi

2020 Survey on Employment and Skills: Preliminary Report / Sondage 2020 sur l’emploi et les compétences : Rapport préliminaire