
Institute Projects

Since its founding in 2006, the Institute has conducted a number of groundbreaking public opinion and social research projects. Our reports are listed by publication date, or can be searched by topic or survey series. 

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December 20, 2021

Democracy and Political Polarization in Canada and the U.S.

More Americans stand at either end of the political spectrum; more Canadians stand in the middle
June 30, 2017

AmericasBarometer 2017

The AmericasBarometer is a 29 country public opinion survey on democracy, governance and civic engagement, conducted every two to three years by a consortium of of research partners across the western hemisphere...
October 31, 2007

2007 Survey of Afghans

The Institute sponsored the first-ever Canadian-initiated public opinion survey of the people of Afghanistan on issues related to quality of life, reconstruction, and Canadian military presence in the country...