December 30, 2024

Five public-opinion trends to watch in 2025

The Canadian public’s views on immigration, the economy, the United States and Quebec independence could all see shifts in the coming year

Canadians don’t need to worry about identity politics

There is nothing divisive about the expression of different identities when there is room for them to overlap.

Support for sovereignty in Quebec: the role of identity, culture and language

Sovereigntists tend to be critical of federalism. They also have a strong attachment to identity and culture, and a concern for the French language.

Here we go again? Making sense of the PQ’s rise in the polls

While the Parti Québécois is on the rise in the polls, the independence movement is not, particularly among young Quebecers.

'Notwithstanding' support for the Charter of Rights, there's work to do

A significant number of Canadians are unsure as to whether governments or the courts should have the final say in Charter cases

Is one region favoured by Ottawa?

For many Canadians, the answer depends more on how old you are than where in the country you live
April 22, 2022

Are Canadians finally at peace with their Constitution?

A reflection on the eve of the 40th anniversary of patriation and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Québécois et Canadiens ont-ils fait la paix avec la Constitution?

La distance géographique ne rend pas les Canadiens sourds aux enjeux qui touchent leurs concitoyens ailleurs au pays

Canadians are still committed to decentralized federalism

Despite the scale of the emergency, there has been more continuity than change in Canadian attitudes about the federation

La reconnaissance du poids de l’histoire

Plusieurs Canadiens s’impatientent devant l’absence de progrès, en apprennent plus sur notre histoire et cherchent déjà à nous faire suivre les étapes qui conduisent à un meilleur avenir.
November 3, 2020

Thanks to Quebec millennials, another referendum isn’t looming

The differences between the outlooks of young adults in different parts of Canada have never been as small as they are today.

Un étonnant fossé des générations chez les Québécois francophones

Sondés sur le gouvernement qui représente le mieux leurs intérêts, les jeunes Québécois francophones ont des opinions plus proches de celles des autres Canadiens que de celles des Québécois plus âgés.

Millennial and Gen Z francophones don't value Quebec nationalism

The most striking differences between the views of younger and older francophone Quebecers appear in their expectations of the Quebec state

A majority of Canadians support equalization – even in Alberta

The results of the Confederation of Tomorrow 2020 survey show that there is almost universal support in all parts of Canada for the principle that underpins the equalization program

Canada is not the regionally divided country it's made out to be

Put 100 Albertans in a room with 100 Quebecers and you'd be shocked how many can find someone from the other province who agrees with them on big issues

The shifting lens through which Canadians see the Wet’suwet’en crisis

Canadians don’t just want things to get back to normal; they want things to get better.