Survey of Canadian Muslims

The Institute’s first project was a national survey to examine the relationship between Canadian Muslims and Canadian society at large. This research was conducted as part of Environics Research FOCUS CANADA, and built upon an earlier study conducted by the US-based Pew Research Center with Muslims and non-Muslims that covered 13 countries (but not Canada). See Pew Study.
The Environics Institute-sponsored survey was conducted by Environics Research Group, and was the first study of its kind to put the attitudes of Canadian Muslims in comparative perspective. The Institute partnered with CBC, which made the research part of a major national media release in February 2007.
A follow-up survey is planned for Spring 2014.
See article about this research in Ottawa's Muslim Link (published December 2013)
Keywords: Muslims in Canada, identity, religion, integration into Canadian society, Canadian values, social values, immigration, racism/discrimination, extremism/terrorism, gender equality, government policy/priorities
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