Democracy in the 21st Century: 2013 Trudeau Foundation Annual Survey

What is current Canadian public opinion as it relates to people and their environment, human rights and dignity, responsible citizenship, and Canada's role in the world?
These themes are explored in the latest Environics Institute national survey, just released by the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation in celebration of its 10th anniversary annual conference on public policy. Environics has partnered with the Trudeau Foundation on an annual survey since 2006, and this year is also collaborating with scientific advisors from Montreal's four universities.
The survey is in four separate parts, each addressing one of the Foundation themes. The conference took place in Montreal November 21-23, 2013, and Institute Executive Director Keith Neuman presented the survey results to conference delegates on the final day.
Keywords: Citizenship, government policy/priorities, social equity/income inequality, Indigenous/Aboriginal Peoples, human rights, racism/discrimination, immigration, LGBT community, environment, climate change/global warming, health/well-being, foreign policy
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