2022 NIA Ageing in Canada Survey

In less than 10 years, one-quarter of Canada’s population will be aged 65 years and older. Fully understanding the circumstances and evolving needs of this ageing population requires collecting regular and reliable data from older Canadians themselves.
The National Institute on Ageing (NIA) and the Environics Institute for Survey Research partnered on an annual survey of ageing in Canada to track Canadians' experiences of growing older and their expectations for the future. The survey encompasses three central dimensions of ageing: social well-being, financial security, and health and independence in the community, across 10 key indicators that together provide a picture of how well Canadians are ageing today and how they look toward the future.
For more information:
Keith Neuman
Environics Institute for Survey Research
Stephanie MacLellan
National Institute on Ageing
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