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UBC Event Feb.28th: Sharing Insights - The Lived Experience of Syrian Refugees in Canada

University of British Columbia
Please RSVP for event, or event+lunch
How have Syrian refugees in Canada fared since their arrival in 2015-16? In this interactive presentation, associates from the non-profit Environics Institute for Survey Research will discuss their research on the lived experience of Syrians. Their national study documented how these refugees have fared in their new country and lives, and asked what can be learned from their experience that might benefit future refugees. The research involved in-depth interviews with a representative sample of 305 Syrian refugees covering their journey from pre-arrival to present day, as well as their hopes and challenges for the future. The study is intended to provide valuable insight to guide government programs and policies, as well as support the ongoing work of settlement agencies, private sponsor groups, refugee communities and others involved in refugee resettlement in Canada.
You must RSVP by February 24 to be included in refreshments.
Speaker Bios
Keith Neuman is Senior Associate at the Environics Institute for Survey Research, where he previously served as the inaugural Executive Director. Over the past decade he has directed a number of ground-breaking studies on topics such as immigration and refugees, racism, social capital, reconciliation, and social norms. His professional life has centered on survey research and how it can be used effectively to support organizational goals and the broader public interest.
Jobran Khanji is a community leader, advocate for peace and researcher with a background in international development and political science. He recently joined the Environcis Institute for Survey Research to lead the knowledge mobilization efforts for their recent project on the lived experience of Syrian refugees in Canada. Additionally, Jobran founded Common Ground community house, a grass root non-profit set to empower newcomers and new Canadians.

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